Omni Enviro Water Systems

Fish Breeding

Quite a long time ago, many scientists, including scientists from "Magnetic Technologies" companies, have proven that molecular structures of a cell, including proteins, depend on and form according to the water surroundings. Many existing facts prove that after magnetic treatment of normal water, many structural changes occur and that is one of the main reasons for magnetic water having special biological properties.

Experiments carried out on various membranes, artificial and biological, have shown strong influence of normal water on permeability of membranes. Membranes' permeability is crucial when it comes to cellular exchange in living organisms. That was the reason for a "Magnetic Technologies" company to develop a method and produce devices that deal with an increase of fish-breeding rates.

Together with the developed method, water, fish food and small fish should be magnetically treated. Magnetic treatment of water is favorable for fish. It results in an increase of oxygen content of water by up to 5 gram/liter. Also, the magnetic field destroys bacteria in water, resulting in a decrease of diseases in fish by more than 3 times. While treating fish food and small fish with a magnetic field, weight gain in fish increases by approx. 2,2 times, and taste properties of fish also improve.

Installation of magnetic systems in artificial reservoirs for fish-breeding

  1. As spray-fountains (fig. 1)

    Fig. 1
  2. As reverse systems (fig. 2)

    Fig. 2
  3. Or main pipe line through which water is supplied (fig. 3)

    Fig. 3

Choosing a magnetic system

The choice of a magnetic system should be done according to the size of reservoir. For example, your reservoir is 60 m3 (refer to the catalogue that describes the output of devices). Then, you will need a device of 1.5" for your reservoir, including that this device will be used for 1 hour daily (magnetic treatment of 1/10 of the whole volume of water in reservoir for fish-breeding, is enough to magnetize all the water).

Fig.4. An easy method of using magnetic device in an aquarium.

Fig. 5. Indonesia. Factory that deals with small fish-breeding, equipped with magnetic devices.