Omni Enviro Water Systems


Structured Water

Optimal healthy DNA is surrounded, and fully hydrated, by a matrix of water that is structurally different from tap water. Under high powered microscopes, the water, when frozen, forms six sided, hexagonal shaped, ring structures. These were determined to receive and transmit electromagnetic energy, that is, frequency vibrations that power every cell function and structure.

Magnets affect the bonding angle between the hydrogen and the oxygen atom in the water molecule. Magnetized water causes the hydrogen-oxygen bond angle within the water molecule to be reduced from 104 to 103 degrees. This in turn causes the water molecule to cluster together in groups of 6-7 rather than groupings of 10-12 and higher. The smaller cluster leads to better absorption of water across cell walls. Dr. Michael Lam, MD in his study on magnetized water, reports that there have been numerous reports from those drinking magnetized water on a daily basis of people being cured of many chronic degenerative disease such as renal stones and arthritis.

International Research

Omni Enviro Water System's technology has been accepted to the prestigious Elsevier International Peer Review based out of The Netherlands in 2009.
Magnetic Treatment of Irrigation Water: Evaluation of its Effects on Vegetable Crop Yield and Water Productivity.

Further Scientific Articles and Research

Further controlled studies show the following results on varying crops: