Omni Enviro Water Systems

How it Works

It is a scientific fact that use of our magnetic water devices for treatment of irrigation water will improve water productivity and will lead to significant water savings for the irrigation sector, minimize soil salinity and sustain the health of the environment. The implementation of magnetic water treatment technology by the irrigation sector will be a significant benefit to the global environment, not to mention a significant benefit to the individual farmer.

Omni Enviro provides magnetic technologies that alter the structure of water molecules. Regular water molecules cluster without magnetization. Toxins and waste products build up causing molecule clusters to be much larger in size, increasing surface tension, increasing viscosity and limiting dissolvability and permeability of water. This results in poor water productivity as only a small percentage of water and nutrients applied are dissolved and made available for plants to take up at fine root zones. Magnetic treatment breaks up the molecules to smaller clusters allowing them to pass through plant capillaries more readily.

After magnetization, the molecules line up in sequence “+-+-“ resulting in reduced surface tension, reduced viscosity, increased dissolvability, increased permeability and increased oxygen content hence making nutrients more readily available to our body, plants and soils. Water is then said to be biologically “alive”.