The Agriculture market is due for a paradigm shift, and OE Water Systems will be a factor in the water revolution. This is where you will find the latest news to assist your sales efforts.
Prime TV Exposure in US
Today in America, showcase for cutting edge ideas that vitalize our economic future, will be featuring Omni Enviro Water Systems as one of the most innovative products in America, will be aired on CNN and Fox Business this Fall.
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This Months Testimonial
Scott Howington, Broccoli Farmer, Imperial Valley, CA
"During our last harvest season we achieved a
21% increase in yield of our broccoli using Omni water systems."
What is Iron Bacteria?
What is Iron Bacteria?Iron bacteria are micro-organisms which obtain energy by oxidizing soluble ferrous iron into insoluble ferric iron which then precipitates out of solution. This energy is used to promote the growth of thread-like slimes which together with the ferric iron, form a voluminous mass. Many species of iron bacteria have been identified. There are also some bacteria which live on manganese in water. However, as most groundwater contain lower concentrations of manganese than iron, it is iron bacteria which have caused the majority of problems in wells.
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Visit Us At The Upcoming Trade Shows
November 17-18, 2010
Gateway Farm Expo | Booth #41
Kearney, NE
December 5-7, 2010
Irrigation Show | Booth #949
Phoenix, AZ
December 7-9, 2010
Almond Board Conference | Booth #19
Modesto CA
December 8-10, 2010
Nebraska Power Farming Show | Booth #1314
Lancaster Event Center, Lincoln, NE
January 18-20, 2011
Eastern Idaho Ag Expo | Booth #83
Pocatello, ID
January 25-26, 2011
Western Idaho Ag Expo | Booth #103
Pocatello, ID
This Months Quote
"The Wright Brothers' first airplane flight was in 1903. In 1969, astronauts landed on the moon, In just 66 years - six and a half decades - science advanced that much. It gives me motivation to do my work."
- UC Davis Cooperative Extension water management specialist David A. Goldhamer
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